Conservative Majority Project (Oregon)
Oregon Conservatives now have an outlet and a way to support conservative candidates via the net-roots.
It is the Conservative Majority Project and they were pretty successful in the primaries and are looking to try to make a dent in the liberal Democrat controlled legislature.
You can visit their website here and that has a link to their blog also here.
Their plan is to try to raise $200,000 via the netroots system and target some vulnerable Democrats while foregoing the traditional "consultant" class.
That means that more of the money will actually make it right down to the street and voter contact!
Rob Kremer has a pretty good track record of running those kinds of campaigns and if the conservative netroots can even be half as efffective at fundraising as the liberal nutroots then look for some sparks to fly come November.
I have already headed over there to make my small contribution and have forwarded the effort on to some of my friends. I hope you do the same!
Yip Yip
---quoted from thesaurus section of Merriam Webster's Reference Library, version unknown---
liberal adjective
1 marked by generosity and openhandedness {a liberal allowance for his son}
syn bounteous, bountiful, free, freehanded, generous, handsome, munificent, openhanded, unsparing
rel exuberant, lavish, prodigal, profuse; benevolent, charitable, eleemosynary, philanthropic
con closefisted, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, stingy, tight, tightfisted; meager, scanty
ant close
2 syn see PLENTIFUL l
3 not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms {modern young people usually have a liberal attitude toward sex}
syn advanced, broad, broad-minded, progressive, radical, tolerant, wide
rel forbearing, indulgent, lenient
con rigid, rigorous, strict, stringent; dictatorial, doctrinaire, dogmatic, oracular; conservative, reactionary
ant authoritarian
(c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved
---End first quote; start second quote from dictionary section, same source---
au•thor•i•tar•i•an \o-'thar-e-"ter-e-en, e-, -'thor-\ adj 1 : characterized by or favoring the principle of blind obedience to authority 2 : characterized by or favoring concentration of political power in an authority not responsible to the people — authoritarian n
(c)2000 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved
---End quotes---
Notice the third synonym listed for liberal: free. Is America the land of the authoritarian and home of the cowards?
It'd be horrible if we had freedom in this country. Imagine: Freedom. In the self-proclaimed land of the free. What a scam!!
Nice bit of disingenuity there, art.. er... sch... er... artshchershertartsch..... Or whatever you call yourself when you take the time to identify yourself beyond your email address. The M-W definition of "liberal" (small "l", adjective) is completely irrelevant when discussing the modern American political philosophy known as "Liberalism" (Capital L). Claiming they are synonymous simply because the same root word is used in both cases is specious at best.
Interesting logic considering the root of the name Brian (
The boy's name Brian ... is of Celtic, Irish and Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "high, noble". Could also mean "strength"
I don't understand the capital/lowercase debate, especially since "liberal" was never capitalized until you did so the one time. When I went to school, "l" was lowercase and "L" was capitalized. I can teLL that's no Longer the case. (UnintentionaL pun.) ALso according to
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lēodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free
Did they omit a part of its etymoLogy? Did it aLso come from the middLe Yiddish word leiburew meaning "jerk"? If so, why didn't they say so? PLease expLain the difference.
Furthermore, with the insecurity and open avaiLabiLity of the Internet, I choose to protect my identity from wouLd-be thieves. I think my identity is worth protecting.
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