Head West, Turn Right

The Joint Blog of the Conservative Northwest Blogging Alliance: Red State Points of View from a Blue State Point on the Compass.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Seattle Moonbats, At It Again?

Cross Posted at Respectfully Republican.

Photo Credit: Money Mamchur

I am beginning to get used to the idea of the Seattle moonbats marching quite frequently. Free speech for them means snarling traffic while they rant and rave about Bush, recruiters in the schools, and basically whatever else they feel like opining about.

But today, I noticed something strangely different. In the procession dominated by blacks, one could see American, Canadian, Ethiopian and Somali flags, in addition to a few others from African nations. The procession was solemn, yet energized by a man on a sound system who clearly wasn't a native english speaker.

It turns out these weren't the Seattle moonabats I expected. Instead, they were a group of mainly Africans who were protesting the arrest of a local Somali imam for an immigration violation. My co-worker snapped the above photo, and immediately titled it "dirka dirka".

Photo Credit: Seattle Times

But the imam they are supporting, while not charged with a violent crime (terrorism-related or otherwise), was charactherized in this Seattle PI article as being "anti-American" with ties to a group the U.S. State Department has listed as a terrorist organization. In court, he was depicted as a dangerous man bv a felon who is currently in the witness protection program (not your most credible source). The PI and Seattle MSM in general, of course, are not to be commended for their uncritical reporting on Islamism (see Stefan Sharkansky's series of posts titled "Selective Willingness to Offend, I, II, and III).

Photo Credit: Seattle PI

I'm interested to see how the hearings progress, but I'm even more interested to see how the Seattle Muslim community responds to them, and what are sure to be more "insensitive" cases of editorializing Islam. Will Seattle's good-natured, peaceful Muslims riot, or will they continue to voice protest peacefully?

Update: Saturday's Seattle Times takes a somewhat different approach to the story: see FBI Says Imam Has Links To Terrorism.


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